Tuesday, December 20, 2011


As salam minna-san. Genki ka? Haha I think you may not understand what am I said just now rite? Hehe. Well, when we look back at the title kawan-kapal, what does it mean? Have you try google translate? Haha well hopefully not. Friendship laa der. I am gonna said about friends. But do not expect much from my post because considering I have some trouble with my English lately. Haih~ Now, it’s tasting time~

Dust in the Blog

Okay, it has been too long again and again and again and again and one more time post in my blog. Wadehell? Sensei want to know how much have I post and now is the time I want to update? Bad Soupiano, Bad! SHAME!! well, sincerely, I have no time to update my blog. I am too busy with my kompang. fuuh~ maybe I can tell about my kompang activity next time.

Well, it has been 14 weeks now. Most of lecture have been cancelled this week, so it like been study week this week. I am like so free now to update my blog, remove the dust in the blog and of course, updating the blog for LAST MINUTE! including this, I only have 21 post!? Shame Soupiano, SHAME!! Well, me myself cannot expect myself too much to post everyday in English. Sorry guys.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


WOW!!!! my blog is a mess!!! how long am I not update it? tch, if not about work as an as AJK, I think I can barely update it everyday. I am so sorry miss fairus, this is what I can update for now. My brain still blank and stuck after that work. Sorry guys.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Un'type'able Post

As salam..  There have been a while since my last post. So now I wanna post something.. well, something about something. Okay. Hmm~ well seriously, I don’t have idea to type a word. So read me blabbering. Now, my current place is a the place that majority car’s plate number start with J. this place is also full with complete version of nasi ambang. WTH am I trying to say? Hmm.. Okay I just said that now I am at JB. Heh~ but only for a few days. This Saturday I gonna back to KHAR. Huhu. I feel like to quick time pass by. It feel like yesterday I ride back home.. Ride? I use bus only. Okay laa.. that’s all for today. That’s all I can be ridiculous. Bye2~ see you around buddy/ies.
El Psy Congroo

Monday, October 31, 2011

It is a Truly Sundial's Conspiracy

As salam...
huh? conspiracy in making sundial? Yes~ Our sundial is a simple thing to make, but there are conspiracy behind the curtain after made it. You know what? When we want to test the sundial, the rain is keep fall and fall. Oh my God, how are we suppose to test the sundial? If there are no SUN to DIAL? hmm~ It is conspiracy, or should I call, conspi-crazy? darn. well that's all for now. Do not make yourselves into the unknown conspiracy okay?

-El Psy Congroo-

It's Shocking Time!

Hi, as salam..
Dear blog, do you why am I shock? I shock because I just realize that I'd leave my blog for too long without update. I am shock that tomorrow I will have test for EC2. Not only that, I also shock that even I not study for test tomorrow. The most shock part is when I remember that I will have not only one test, but TWO! It is shocking right? What?? You not feel shock? Well that a shock. Did you know, I MAYBE have complete my 3P assignment, that's a quite shock there, but shock-ly, we gonna send that at Wednesday. What the hell, why am I gonna shock like this? This is shocking time. I am shock that today is lecture week. I am shock that there are plenty of mid test next 2 week. I am shock that you shock when read my post. I am also shock that you not shock right now. I most probably shock when I do not know what am I shock right now. eh bape kali nk shock daa~
Okay my friend, that's all for today. Shock you all later~ daaa~~
-El Psy Congroo-

Saturday, October 22, 2011


OMG! Oh hey ya guys. If somebody wandering WTH am I not have a single new post until now, because I totally forgot that I have a blog. That's all thank you. Happy holiday guys. Mattane~

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's a Relieved plus Continuous Pain

As salam leadership bitara. Fuuh~ Well, somehow I'd manage to done the media presentation at EC2. Wow~ what a relieved. Hmm? What is media presentation? Like this, you find article about teaching and learning English as a secondary language and present the point in the article. Well, better fine the articles in library and huhu... do not be like me, because I use definition of internet is online LIBRARY. My group present Teaching and Learning English among Children. But OMG!! I have another presentation that must be done. tch~ Name after 3P. Haih~ It will hapen today I afraid, and I hope not. My group is named after the number seven, and last week only three group manage to present. So there are possibility for me to not present this week. MAYBE~ well, I hope not, I hope not, I hope not. And for the record, I not done my lab report yet. Thank you media presentation. Eh, should I say like that? S-should~ Owh and lastly, well, even I am not a best presenter, but it is a shock that my name was in the list for good presenter. I am a deejay? Well, who knows? Okay guys. That's all for today. Smell you later, taste my blog later.
-El Psy Congroo-

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pain, Count of Joy.

Iyop~ As salam leadership bitara. Welcome to my blog where all about Soupiano are at here, where you can learn Soupiano or become one. Double you tea hesh am I talking about? forget that. Let ME become Soupiano lah bai~ Soupianonisme. Eh, come on lah, ittai nani ga gonna happen next week? Now, it's tasting time.

6, a Week in the Term of Busy.

As salam. This post is gonna be short. fuuh~ OMG week 6 is around the corner. There are too many assignment need to be done in that week. I think week six gonna pass slowly and ARGH!!! just slowly and pain~ huhu somebody save me~~
-El Psy Congroo-

Saturday, October 15, 2011

So slow in term of fast.

As salam leadership bitara goobers~ How are you today? Fine? Okay FINE. What is the meaning of the title? It  is slow and in term of fast. Fuuh~ it is time. No, not masa dah time, but it is TIME itself. Time kah? Well, I have lost my own time. All of my watch have died. How can I catch up with time now?

I cannot believe how fast 5 week in UPSI passing by my life, yet it is so long actually because have past 1 month. It is also like my life spent until now, a total of 20 years have let me go to go on to my life. Sometime I feel like just yesterday I graduate from matriculation, but suddenly I am in front my lappy posting for EC2 now. huh? Time is gold? Why we cannot get rich by that? Can we sell or buy time? Where the time when waste our time? In the recycle bin? What is TIME exactly? Are we catch the time or else? If we catch the time, can we catch up? Where is the time? Time is tricky. Time is playful. Time is naughty. Time is a friend. Trouble is a friend. Time is trouble due to commutative properties (Maths maybe know :p). It is up to us how we handle time. If we not serious enough, we will be fooled by time. We human will be in state of loss if we careless.

p/s: Control the time can control the world. Perhaps. But how to control the world? Time machine perhaps? Use doraemon lah.

-El Psy Congroo-

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Students, Count of Happy

As salam leadership bitara and MORNING! Now, it's tasting time!

Do you ever wonder what will make us as a student feel happy? Or at least relief for some reason? Here I give you some of situation. Well at least, my situation.

Lab Report. Usually we in the course must send one day after the lab for Laboratory Management and one report, one person. But Oh Emme GEE!!! Due to the lecturer have change, now the lab report can send a week after the lab and guess what, 1 report to 2 people. Alhamdulillah, what a relief.

Formal, Count of Zero

As salam to readers, blogger or just a passing by WSE. Come on, It's tasting time.

I think now it's time for me to start my entry in a formal post. No more informal post like before in this blog. It is my pleasure to remind myself that the purpose of making this blog is to help me improve my English to the optimum level. Wow, I have use chemistry term. I am not bad at all aren't we? I just want to tell you that I haven't even touch rice yesterday. It is a 'miracle which must be sealed'. Furthermore, I only swallowed 3 burger last night and the results are in, I am having stomach ache. And I think I'm still hungry due to that dang stomach ache. Maybe I gonna eat burger tonight due to unstoppable assignment? NO! I must eat something heavier than burger. My stomach desired that! Woa~ chop2, is my post look formal to you? Dang~ I still cannot do it formally in the internet. Well it's okey. I can take my time but in fast. Okey guys, smell you guys later, and taste my post later.
-El Psy Congroo- 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Miracle in Which Must be Sealed!!!

As Salam One Malaysia to eberibadi.

My post today just want to share to you that I have done my EC2 homework!! WOW!!! It is a miracle in which must be sealed!!! OH NO!!! well, I think this song is highly compatible with my current situation after finished EC2.. hehe enjoy, credit to the Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monster. owh, pause my song down there if your connection is firetruckin' slow~ hehe. One more thing, go to the hell the firetuckin' thumbnail, just enjoy the song.
-El Psy Congroo-

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Zannen Dattanna

as salam leadership bitara, MORNING!!!! or PAGI!!!!
huh? what is the meaning of this title? why must the title not in english? how come bha? isn't must be in english? ish3.. like heart me lah.. hehe~ if you read this post, then maybe you know the meaning of 'Zannen Dattanna'. Saa, It's Tasting Time!

Sunday, October 02, 2011

That Sate, KONEROU!!!!

As salam u'all... hmm... what is the meaning of this title?? well if you read till the end you know what konerou mean. You do not have to bother yourselves to use that firetruckin' google translate. Saa, it's TASTING TIME!!

Saturday, October 01, 2011

The 'F' word

As salam leadership bitara.....
yeah I know that's a bit of gout............??????
huh? double you tea hesh? what's wrong with google translate?? HUH!!! I type down sengal and it says gout. OMG!!! not oh my GOUT kay? hehe

well i know it's has been a week now i don't update this blog. Now it' TASTING TIME!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


iyop~~ yeay~ it's me again. The time for second post is coming. And it will happen now. SAA!!! It's TASTING TIME!!!

Well, according to terms in making the blog, we must post our story everyday. Woa~ that what I heard. Well, am I gonna to post everyday? HAHAHAHA!!!! .................. EN PLUS O. Define 'Everyday Post' in two words. "No Idea".

Monday, September 19, 2011

Double you tea hesh!!!!

As salam, Hello, hi, yop~
Yes, my name is Ahmad Saufi.
That's right, you can call me Opie.
Of course, Soupiano is also nice.